Case study: Marelli
GoodCall Slovakia Securing Talent for Marelli
As part of a long-term partnership, we placed 190 candidates for Marelli with an 88% hire rate for positions in supply chain, finance, IT, purchasing, human resources and more.
Ve GoodCallu chápeme, že úspěšné recruiting vyžaduje strategický přístup k marketingu a efektivní řízení lidských zdrojů. Proto nabízíme komplexní služby v oblasti outsourcingu klíčových marketingových služeb pro HR. Díky spolupráci můžete využít naše odborné znalosti v oblasti Employer Brandingu i HR marketingu a zvýšit tak povědomí o značce mezi vaší klíčovou audiencí potenciálních zaměstnanců, přilákat špičkové talenty a podpořit obchodní růst.
Naše služby marketingového outsourcingu zahrnují širokou škálu specializovaných oblastí, díky čemuž zajišťujeme komplexní přístup k vašemu náborovému úsilí na všech frontách.
Your job is to be our partner, and we’ll make sure you get the right talent. It’s a collaboration that we lead, and you reap the benefits.
We’ve been challenged by major companies to help with their recuirjtent needs in unique ways and we’ve delivered for companies like Pfizer, Microsoft, Weber and more.
Proactively sourcing passive candidates is our bread & butter, but we still constantly develop new methodologies to get the best responses from the market.
We set many of the trends in the region but we continue to experiment and to make sure we’re at the cutting edge of what works.
With almost 100 combined years of experience in our management and lead consultants we have seen all sorts of requests have developed an approach to clients that is professional, fair, and focused on success.
IT Analyst
#ProjectManager #SalesManager #SoftwareEngineer #ITspecialist #HRspecialist #Recruiter #ITanalyst #QualityEngineer
#ProjectManager #SalesManager #SoftwareEngineer #ITspecialist #HRspecialist #Recruiter #ITanalyst #QualityEngineer
#ProjectManager #SalesManager #SoftwareEngineer #ITspecialist #HRspecialist #Recruiter #ITanalyst #QualityEngineer
Talent Sourcer
#ProjectManager #SalesManager #SoftwareEngineer #ITspecialist #HRspecialist #Recruiter #ITanalyst #QualityEngineer
#ProjectManager #SalesManager #SoftwareEngineer #ITspecialist #HRspecialist #Recruiter #ITanalyst #QualityEngineer
As part of a long-term partnership, we placed 190 candidates for Marelli with an 88% hire rate for positions in supply chain, finance, IT, purchasing, human resources and more.
Through innovative recruitment methods, we have been able to fill critical management roles in the business. Successful candidates came from our unique application, were found on LinkedIn or headhunted directly. The collaboration continues and is still developing. Read the full case study to find out how GoodCall can help your business too!
Savencia needed a Senior HR Manager for a client SSC with over 130 employees. GoodCall secured the ideal candidate with relevant experience.
Deloitte needed to outsource 360° recruitment for the Technology Consulting division until an internal recruitment team could be established for this division. After working with GoodCall RPO for several years, the client approached us again.
"Their approach is out-of-the-box and we can rely on them to bring quality results and an honest, ethical partnership."